2 upcoming Sound Healing Practitioner Online Trainings/Certifications
Are you a health/ wellness/ yoga practitioner and want to learn how to integrate sound healing with Crystal Singing Bowls into your business? Are you a therapist,or social justice / community leader who wants to learn how to use therapeutic Sound Healing with your...
2 NEW Sound Healing eCourses to Get You Started With A Sound Healing Ritual or Practice You Can Have At Home
I’m excited to let you know I’ve started an Online Sound Healing School! I've created two Sound Healing eCourses so you can learn all about Sound Healing and How to Play Crystal Singing Bowls at home. A Home Sound Healing Practice is easy, quick, and beautiful...
Sanctuary: Om ~ Chant ~ Prayer (online)
Sanctuary is a gathering where you can chant and pray for peace, hope, and love for yourself, others, and our planet. About Sanctuary Sanctuary: Om ~ Chant ~ Prayer is an hour in which you can gather with others for some peace, hope, and prayer. It is an hour in which...
One sound to make while washing your hands to prevent or treat COVID-19
A friend recently emailed me an article from the Klinghardt Institute about the Coronavirus. As I perused it, eyes glazing over some scientific material, I stopped when I read something I actually understood: “Simple humming while exhaling instantly increases the...
The Healing Hour with Piano and Crystal Singing Bowls (online)
The Healing Hour is an hour where you will find peace, calm, sanity, and connection. Healing sounds calm, relax, and soothe your nervous and immune system. Music and sound is a language your cells understand. The Healing Hour is an hour in which you can tune out the...
7 Sounds To Listen To So You Can Reduce Stress In Your Body
Stress, overwhelm, and busy-ness seem to have become the norm for most people. Harsh sounds stress your body. Even if you tune them out, are unaware of them, or think you’ve become used to them. Because your body responds to sound whether or not your mind does. When...
2020 Sound Healing offerings for Personal Health and Professional Development
Happy February! This is to let you know about 3 Sound Healing workshops we have scheduled for the first half of 2020. If you want to learn to use and play Crystal Singing Bowls for your personal health and wellness, or as a professional to use with clients and...
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